Thursday, June 28, 2012

Doodle Art

Sunshine, coffee and a fresh canvas. After a short stint of rain, which only a newly transplanted West Coast girl can Calgary friends would disagree but three weeks of rain with blips of sunshine trumps months of rain and very little sunshine.

I am hearting my "Doodle Art", so much fun and even better as I doodle away on a warm sunny deck.So here is the try something new part I have been using my left hand to draw which is very interesting for a right handed gal. Next I will try painting with my left hand but for now I will stick to drawing. Just another step towards moving out of my comfort zone! I

So here is to summer which has finally arrived and to days spent barbecuing,
enjoying friends and family and of course to that special summer drink.....

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Kindness Matters

I am a little behind with iPhone technology , so I thought I would join the thousands of bloggers and create this post from my iPhone. The real challenge is my typing but other then that easy.
I am into layers,texture and flowers lately.The colors are not as bright as a lot of my past art but still loving the feel of each new piece and the changes that are happening.
" Kindness Changes Everything", sometimes when life hands you a curve it is amazing how the kindness of others really does change everything and helps you navigate through.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Wow, it has been awhile since I have posted anything. Life does that sometimes, makes us stop take a deep breath and reevaluate where we are, how far we have come and what it is we need to move forward. A small step back a break from all that we love makes us aware of what is important to us and what we need to fuel our souls. 
So my time without has allowed me to listen to the quite whispers and come back to my passions with a renewed interest and a fresh set of eyes. I have been painting, reading ,running and listening to music as these are the things that I need to create balance and happiness which in turn fuel my soul.
Thus my latest painting Breathe, was created by truly embracing and listening to those quite but subtle whispers .............
