Friday, January 28, 2011


So, I have had about five paintings on the go and last night I set them all up in the studio and painted for hours. It happened  the other day when I was trying to get my art photo's organized I came across this picture I had painted a few years ago and the bright colors inspired me all the way into my studio.It is amazing what can motivate us and provide us with the energy we need to get going.  I think this coupled with  the fact that these days are a little less hectic then previous years; we have finished the house, I am working part-time from home for my hubby's buss,kids are healthy and happy and life is good! Balance and me are slowly finding our way and boy does it feel great.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Seize the day!

Well I am loving my Mondo Beyondo course…....  It is wonderful to hear that I am not alone in this journey of creativity.  It is amazing how an online class and connections with other creative souls can spur one on.  I can’t imagine not creating something every day; it is what fuels me, gives me energy and makes me smile! So as I let go of the perfect and move in the direction of a sink full of dishes, a dryer full of laundry and we won’t even mention the bathrooms I am defiantly headed in the direction of my studio. It is after all about seizing the day.
Carpe Diem,