Saturday, July 14, 2012

Live Love Laugh

 Here is another sample of my  mixed media doodle art, I have made for Art in the Garden which I will be teaching  at  Bumble Bee Creative Studio July 1 at 1:00 pm. I am hearting the happy colors it must be an influence from all the sunshine we have been having. However, I never thought I would hear my self say this but I am enjoying the overcast sky today and the lower temperatures as it has been so hot here.

Excited to have one of my girlfriends and  her family coming for a visit from Vancouver Island today. We have been girlfriend's for a number of years, and her and I have shared many a stories as we ran together. So I am sure it will be a late night as we catch up over a glass of wine or two. It is so true how there is nothing like a girlfriend to make everything better,to laugh with and and at times shed a tear or two with. So we have ran a half marathon together,traveled together and of course and most important have listened to one and other and given nothing but support.  Through a simple cup of tea, a hug or some serious laughter.......and there has been a lot of laughter. 


Friday, July 13, 2012

Nanoose Bay Art in the Garden

Hey everyone, I will be teaching a fun mixed media art class at Bumble Bee Creative Studio July 21 at 1:00 pm located at the Nanoose Bay Art in the Garden art show and would love to see you there!

I love sayings, messages, thoughts they are all over our house and I mean on little stickies in drawers, on my art , my custom made chalkboards to name only a few locations. I love the written word and although I heart where technology has progressed too, I miss  hand written letters and notes. So I guess this is the inspiration behind my "doodle Art".......that and I am running out of surfaces in my home! So


Thursday, July 12, 2012



It has been a busy week here in Calgary, as the Stampede celebrates its 100th anniversary. So between company and hitting the Stampede there has not been a lot of art happening. The city of Calgary is alive with  visitors from around the world joining in on the celebration, not to mention some really rockin' cowboy boots.!

However, I did manage to finish my " Believe", doodle and I am loving the color and I hold the message that I created for this piece of art close to my heart.

your dreams
your truths
and the quiet 
that make your 
         heart sing                           
