Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I am so grateful for all the good that life brings my way. I had so much fun this week on the island visiting family and friends. Of course being asked to be a part of Art in the Garden was a major highlight! I have been wanting to teach an art class for a while so this turned out to be just as much a lesson for me as it was for those in my class. I had all ages which was challenging ,inspiring and loads and loads of fun. The best part is that we had a lot of people sign up for classes so now Les's ,"Bumble Bee Studio" is officially on its  way. I am hoping to combine a trip in September to come back and teach a class and take in Sarah McLachlan's concert in Stanley park. This piece I worked on and finished while in Bumble Bee Studio this past weekend!

she listened to her heart
and followed her dreams


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