Sunday, September 16, 2012


Holidays are over and the days are cooling off, and around my home I call this " Bunker Down Time". Crock pots,soups and my fireplace on in the morning ( easy peasy because it is gas).  Kids are off to school, well until that first cold strikes which has happened already. My gal was home for most of last week with Strep Throat, the poor kid just seems to get everything. I believe now she should have spent more time in the sand box with her younger brother who seemed to digest more sand then food on some days and who never seems to get sick.

As for me cleaned like a crazy women and now I am painting the downstairs bathroom and laundry room. The kids call it a cave as it is on the darker side so will freshen it up and I am on the look out for a mirror with a distressed wooden frame. Thinking that the mirror just might become a DIY project. Still running lots as it is my solace to the ebb and flow of everyday life. It seems all this running has me in in need of a new pair of runners so here's hoping someone in this wonderful city carries a 10.5 Nike Pegasus.

Have discovered something about myself that I thought was darn near impossible and I am sure if any of my grade school teachers new this trick they would have had me standing in class years ago. Turns out if I stand at an easel and paint I can do it ( like for three hours....) and my mind does not wander in fifty directions and I stay put. Yup me stand still for any length of time is no easy feat and anyone who knows me can attest to that.This little trick I picked up from my art instructor and of course it also allows you to see what you are creating in a whole new light. I had mentioned I was going to be taking an art class and I am truly hearting it, there are thirteen artists in the class and it is truly inspiring.  I am working on three new pieces which are completely different and will post when they are finished!


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